Oh NO, @Park you didn't post in the wrong area at all. You are new and used the Introductions which is great.
I was letting you know that the trend the group seems to be doing is using the Teal Thursday chat as a general chat spot. All good. Join in and post where you feel fit. If there is a special topic, then post under that, all good.
Keep us posted on your upcoming Dr, appt. Yes, the thought of being on an oral med for a long period of time can be daunting. I don't think about mine anymore. It has minimal side effects and something I just do now. All good. I hope that is the case for you as well. Once you find out the name of it, come search for some threads on it here as I am positive other ladies here will have tried it already. That way you will know some things to expect and where to connect if you have any questions or issues.
Anyhow, I must run and get my Mom's present ready to mail off. Hope to see you tomorrow on the chat online. 🤗