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Let me introduce myself

  • 1.  Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-01-2023 17:32
    Hello everyone, I'm Joan from Vancouver Island.  II was just recently diagnosed and I am waiting for an appointment with the oncologist on October 18th.  
    In the meantime I could really use some feedback on how common or unusual my symptoms are and suggestions on how to manage them.  I initially thought I had an issue with my bladder as my first symptom was getting up 7 or 8 times a night to pee.  That one I have learned to cope with.  Since then I also started having issues with bad gas, cramps, bloating and morning diarrhea.  The latest is nausea, ugh.   This is what I am having difficulty with.  I'm not sure how much is stress or whether this is another symptom of the disease.  
    I hope I'm not coming across as a whiner.  Overall at age 72 my health has been very good up until this point.  I am active and used to being busy but this is really slowing me down.
    Any suggestions on coping with the nausea would really be appreciated!
    Thanks in advance.

  • 2.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-01-2023 20:54
    @JoanEG  Hello!  Welcome to our site! I am saddened to hear of your symptoms.  Finding out you have cancer is tough enough.  I found out when I was passing copious blood from the rectum and it was foul smelling.  It was a GI bleed which I had no idea about. So that is where my symptoms started.  All my other symptoms I chalked up to pre-menopause.  I could not have more wrong!  There is usually a catalyst for all of us that brings us to our diagnosis.  You are not alone.
      As for the symptoms, I would suggest either speaking with your medical doctor or calling in to the Gyn Onc you have been referred to and let them know what is going on.  One of them should be able to give you guidance.  Ginger is very good for nausea.  You can get in tea form, candied ginger or ginger chews.  They did help me a bit in the beginning.  Some of us have had to change our diets due to GI issues.  We were just discussing this very topic a few days ago.  Raw veggies are a biggie that a lot can't eat without issues.  I was unable to eat lettuce for a very long time which is terrible when you like these types of food.  I would record all your symptoms (with dates) and what you ate and did that day.  It will help when you go to your appt and for after as well.  
      If you have not already, on our website, you will find a link to By Your Side.  It is available in either print or digital form and is a handy tool as you go through things. It helped not only myself but my family as well.  We also have what is called a Teal Thursday at 1pm ET in which we are online and chat about anything and everything.  You are welcome to join anytime.  Watching the feed sometimes later is what some do if they are unable to catch it at that precise time.
      If you need to reach out due to symptoms, emotions or have questions, feel free.  It is what we are all here for. We all help each other out along the journey. 
      Take care and hope this has helped some.

  • 3.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-02-2023 00:32
    Thank you.  I have been keeping a journal and recording my symptoms day by day.  I downloaded By Your Side and have read through it.  Thanks again as I wasn’t sure if this nausea was a symptom or caused by something else. 

  • 4.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-02-2023 00:37
    @JoanEG  Your welcome.  Often nausea is associated with the bloating.  Looking back at my own situation and I remember feeling nauseated and not able to eat a lot prior to my surgery.  
      Glad you found By My Side.  I didn't sleep well after my diagnosis either as I was thinking too much about it all.  I am hoping that is not the case for you and that you have a restful evening and sleep. 

  • 5.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-02-2023 00:52
    I haven’t been sleeping well for quite awhile now.  My initial symptom was having to get up to pee 7 or 8 times a night and sometimes I have a hard time getting back to sleep.  That now seems like a breeze compared to this constant nausea, lol.  Thanks again for your help.

  • 6.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-02-2023 01:07
    @JoanEG  I worked with a cancer naturopath before I was deemed "recurred". She had me taking melatonin.  I stopped it due to grabbing the wrong dosage (10mg) and I woke up feeling hungover the next morning.  I wasn't on anything for a few months and then wasn't sleeping. I was prescribed a sleep aide called Zoplicone.  It has no residual hangover feeling in the morning and can take it an hour before bed. I knew of other people taking sleep aides and they were always so exhausted in thr morning that I was hesitant to try something. This one shuts my brain off, does not make me feel sleepy and the bathroom trips are less as well. But...when I wake up in the morning I have to "go".  It has helped immensely and I am now taking melatonin as well to see if it will help instead of upping my dosage again.  I am sharing this as it is important to sleep for the body and mind.  Keep it written somewhere and inquire about it or something similar to help you sleep. 
      I hope you will get the nausea under control soon.
      Take care

  • 7.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-02-2023 01:13
    Good to know!  I actually have some Zoplicone it has been kicking around since before my husband passed away in 2017.  I will try taking 1/2.  My doctor actually asked me if I wanted something to help me sleep but I have a thing about taking medication… I need to get over that!

  • 8.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-02-2023 01:23
    @JoanEG  I totally understand. Up until my diagnosis etc, I rarely took even Tylenol. It is something to wrap your head around and say to yourself, I need this for me and so I am living the best I can. ????
      Medications are there to help us. At some point we have to say, yes it is time.

  • 9.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 10-02-2023 01:30
    Thanks again, you are very helpful and very kind.  ??

  • 10.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 12-10-2024 22:56

    I would love to join this chat line, but I can find how you post my own introduction!

    Can't figure out specific way to join in to the posts !

  • 11.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 12-11-2024 20:27

    @lbarr72 you have figured it out! Just keep going!

  • 12.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 12-11-2024 21:03

    To introduce myself, I was diagnosed with Stage 3C ovarian cancer in early August 2023 at 71. I had full debulking surgery in late August then started into 6 rounds of chemo which finished in Feb 2024. I am attempting to use olaparib for it's benefite but had to change dose when it made me anemic and now have paused again as the effect on my kidneys is being analyzed. I had a good CT scan , which indicated success in clearing original problems, but have been warned that it is very challenging to eliminate all the many original cells which were quite spread. I am feeling quite good now and my energy has returned.

    Each stage brings new fears, but I have survived much more than I thought I could. I aim to appreciate each good day, and try not to let possible future problems worry me as they are " possible". I look forward to being able to chat with those who have experienced this journey, as they are the ones who truly understand. Keep up the good fight !

  • 13.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 12-11-2024 21:41

    @lbarr72 welcome! I was diagnosed in September 2023 at 72 and had 6 rounds of chemo, surgery to remove all the things but left a mass which was attached to my small intestine, my colon and the head of my rectum. I then had 2 more rounds of chemo and now I am on cycle 7 of Olaparib with no side effects. So far my CA125 markers have stayed low and my scans have been clear. I was just scheduled for another CT scan and also a mammogram in January. You will find lots of support on this site. Please join in tomorrow morning for our Teal Thursday live chat!

  • 14.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 12-11-2024 22:19

    I also had 8 " of sigmoid colon and my appendix removed during the big surgery. It takes a long time to get your system back to " normal". I had a small stroke during surgery which took some of my vision, but after months of paperwork and tests, I passed a functional driving test and got my license back in September. That has been a huge improvement in reclaiming my life ! I have been very lucky to have a great deal of support, and needed it to get through. I am very happy to have found this conversation, but will miss tomorrow as I have an appointment with my oncologist, a really great guy ! I have to say that the staff who work in oncology have been wonderful caring people. Love 'em !

  • 15.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 12-11-2024 22:32

    @lbarr72 wow you have really been through it! Although they removed my appendix they didn’t want to tackle the other thing due to it being attached in three places therefore I live on a low residue diet due to a partial bowel blockage.

    I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and you can pop onto the Teal Thursday chat at anytime!

  • 16.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 01-04-2025 14:53

    Onto another year ! What will it bring ??? That uncertainty is a bit un-nerving, but last year certainly proved that I had the strength to get through a lot, that I didn't think I could ! Had a tooth extracted before the holidays and walked in totally unafraid. Felt like " Bring it on, I can handle it !" Fortunately, the dentist, who was new to me, was very good and it really went quite smoothly. A friend said " How did you do that ? I always need anesthetic!" I guess I knew from experience that I could.

    TThat's not to say that I don't worry about what the future will bring. My step daughter taught me that. She showed me how to not let cancer stop you. I was afraid to go anywhere away from my medical team. She traveled the world and worked on her beloved projects until the day she died ( Nov 8, 2024) . She had fought cancer ( colo- rectal, and then lung) for 5 years, and squeezed a lot of life into that time.

    Wishing us all to live until we die. Don't die before it happens. Ovarian cancer is scary, but it appears many are living beyond the stats !!

  • 17.  RE: Let me introduce myself

    Posted 01-22-2025 22:37

    Hello @lbarr72

    I like the positive approach. Bravo to your Step-Daughter!🤩👏

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