Newly diagnosed at very late stage with lung metastases 2 weeks ago (June 5) and will not see the gynecological oncologist until June 28. But I have just been told that the first consulting gynecologist will phone me tomorrow with my Biopsy results. This isn't the specialist, but since she is phoning me, I assume it
still makes sense to ask her some questions; I just don't know what I
should ask! She seemed very nice when I met her the day after my
Emergency room diagnosis but all she did was an internal swab, and told me she would be my point person until I could get in to see the gynecological oncologist. I'm assuming results she's phoning to give me are from last week's the CT guided pelvic biopsies (June 12).
I'm guessing I should ask about
--high grade or low grade?
--cell type 1 to 3?
--what genetic mutations did they test for? (like BRCA, just tumour or germline, etc.)
Are there other questions I should ask this first person? (She seemed so nice that I think she would try to tell me what she could, while emphasizing she is not the oncologist specialist.)
As I've said, I'm totally new at all this and know very little except that all the suggestions are that my case is "very very bad" because it was detected so late. But I've finally stopped the last 2 weeks of mere weeping and I want to at least try to ask intelligent questions that might provide some guidance as to whether or not I have any choices, however limited they may be.
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to chip in with suggestions of any type at all!