Welcome to the group and glad to see you have both found us and found some comfort in @Petra responses.
For sure the waiting and wondering is so difficult as is the self advocating. All I can see is keep track of time, symptoms and keep pushing things along and finding out where you are in the queue. Should anything worsen there is always the ER (hoping you don't need that).
Looking back for myself, I had symptoms that I pushed off as pre-menopausal symptoms and having gyno issues since the start of my menses (period), I really thought nothing of it. It was a GI bleed that got me to Emerg and even then I had no idea that's what I was experiencing. From there on out it went fairly quick for me thankfully.
While you are waiting, enjoy the good days and try to fill it with things you enjoy. You can check out Wellspring.ca to see if there are any programs or anything you can hook up with while waiting. They are a tremendous resource. You are always welcome to join in on our Teal Thursday chats at 1pm if you would like. Although you are not diagnosed as of yet, you are welcome to join and/or follow along.
I am sure this is quite tough on you.
Know we are here to walk beside you along your journey.
Hoping you have a wonderful weekend with family/friends around you.