Hello again. I did not want to rush my reply to you as I want to give it the attention it deserves. At the same time, I also wanted you to be able to join in the group chat should you be able to and participate.
Welcome again and sorry to hear about everything you have been through. First, I want to let you know that there is a link that I will give you to a FREE copy (either digital or paper) that is entitled By My Side. I found it very useful and full of information when I was first diagnosed. Here is the link:
Ovarian Cancer Canada - Support and Resources (ovariancanada.org) In answer to your first question, my guess is that they (your team) will wait to see what your CT Scan is saying before they recommend anything. So do your best not to fret too much, they will have a plan for you, they may have an idea but will confirm once they see your latest CT Scan. You are HGSC which means there are still many treatment options out there for you yet. I do not believe they have exhausted their arsenal yet. This is good news!
It is a very good question as to why not do another surgery. Write it down for your next meeting and ask that question. Some reasons for not performing another surgery are: too many risks involved where the tumour(s) are currently, risk of spread, etc. So feel free to ask your team and ask. It could be a case, they want to save it for a later time or if they need to intervene for other reasons regarding organ involvement. I am not sure in your case but your team will know.
Now comes the issue of support for you. Have you inquired with your team if there is any supports available to you? If not have you tried contacting Wellspring? Here is the link to it as well. It is full of resources and they may be able to help guide you along as well.
Wellspring When you say you find it difficult to talk about your cancer because it gets "dark" at times, what does that mean to you? Being diagnosed and going through cancer is a battle and it takes us places we never thought we would go before. It can be wearing on oneself emotionally, mentally and physically. Let us know if there is an area you are particularly having difficulty with and let's see if we can assist or direct you somewhere that can.
I look forward to hearing back from you.