Thank you for sharing all of that and yes, it absolutely is a lot especially for someone so young.
I feel that based on Hannah's response to harvesting the eggs that she is understanding what is going on. I would hesitate to say that even say take her age out of it and I, personally, would have difficulty in dealing with that part of things. Were you informed by the fertility clinic that this process was more pertinent prior to commencing chemo as opposed to afterwards? I don't know the answer to the question and is why I am asking. I can't even imagine what is going through her head. She is so young and all of this is a lot and it seems like more has been thrown at her. Has she had a chance to connect with anyone or a group to discuss how she is feeling or coping with this? As I write that I also wonder if she is in a denial stage at the same time as she has been faced with so much in a short period of time. I write this and am doing so thinking like both a Mom with a child that has cancer and as the young adult with cancer. It is like battling myself constantly inside and deciding on what is appropriate and not appropriate to write. So bare with me. I know how best, it was like when I knew I had recurred and hadn't told anyone yet, I was steps ahead of them all as they were left back at the beginning dealing with the emotional part of things and I was doing my planning. Does that make sense?
Looks like you will have some answers tomorrow. For myself, I receive the information, hear what they have to say and it takes me days to get to the emotional impact of what that means and allow myself to process it. I have no idea if that is the norm or not but that is how my brain processes things. For you both, I will say that I will be beside you as you are at Hannah's appt tomorrow. Be kind to yourself, Hannah be kind to yourself as well. It will be a lot to process and may need time to sink in before being able to discuss at any greater length and how each of you feel about it.
I would like to extend this invite to Hannah-- if you would like to join along on Thursday even to watch the thread of actitivity, it may be good to see. Perhaps you would like to join in some time. As you can see, we all use pseudo-names and it is a safe space. You have a lot to process and a journey yet to complete. There are many ups and downs along the way. There is no one way to take the journey only the one in front of you and the experiences you will encounter. Questions are good and welcomed. If not, I understand and it may not be the right timing for you yet. We will be here for when you are.