@Elgin55, you made it through the tumor removal and chemo...congratulations!
Check out the discussions regarding Zejula on this site through the search engine.
I was on Zejula for a short time...the only side effect I had was insomnia which, of course, led to fatigue, but it was manageable. Everyone is different and your healthcare team will be with you every step of the way.
Bombard your healthcare team with all of the questions you have and ask about proactive steps you can take prior to starting Zejula. Don't forget to touch on diet, exercise, and OTC meds, if needed. Also be sure to discuss the schedule for follow-ups...blood work, CA125, scans, etc. This would also be a good time to discuss the what-ifs...what happens if my blood count is low or my platelets drop, etc.
Prepare for potential side effects. Have those anti-nausea meds handy in case you need them. Purchase a blood pressure monitor. My blood pressure did go up, but not to alarming levels. I was very thankful we had one at home and was able to use it to monitor my blood pressure whenever I wanted - just to put my mind at ease.
Most hospitals have patient portals that allow you to view your test results (bloodwork, meds, radiology, etc.) all in one place. I find it handy to have the info all in one place, it frees me from having to keep copious notes with dates and numbers and medical terms!
I, too, have had my ups and downs regarding my diagnosis and my future. All part of the process for this diagnosis. I still have bouts of fear and sadness, but then I realize that I am still here and there are still options available to me. Options = HOPE. I am proactive, prepare for the next steps through research, and I am very determined to get through this!
I just joined this forum recently and have found my anxiety level lessened after having searched everything that had been weighing on my mind. We are not alone. The stories and experiences others have shared, have given me even more hope. I have also found information that will lead to questions for my healthcare team as we move forward.
Positive thinking and your awesome attitude will get you through.