Hi again @grandma. Now that we seem to fixed the problem welcome to our community. I'm just sorry that what bring us together this disease we all share. As a newcomer feel free to reach out if I can assist your orientation to the site itself. A few other recommendations as someone recently diagnosed,
Ovarian Cancer Canada has published a booklet called By Your Side. It's a very helpful tool to guide you through your journey from diagnosis to completion of first-line treatment. The booklet is free and you can order it in either hard copy or soft copy. Most of us have both. Just click on this link to order:
https://ovariancanada.org/living-with-ovarian-cancer/newly-diagnosed/by-your-sideThe Ovarian Cancer Canada website is also very useful for support and encouragement through out your journey. There you can find many stories of our members, events upcoming, information in video form and updates on new treatments and trials.
The OVdialogue site is available to you 24/7 with roughly 900 members, all OVC survivors like yourself, from across the country. We value the opportunity to exchange information, share suggestions and most of all vent, scream, rant and rage within a safe non-judgemental community, Of course it's even more fun sharing successes, even the wee ones as we fight this disease.
Every Thursday at 1pm ET we hold a live online chat. That means several of us...sometimes as many as a dozen or more...get together to share information and stories in a real-time environment. Just go to OVdialogue, sign in and click on the topic TEAL THURSDAY . Love to have you join us.
@grandma, a diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer is always received with some level of fear and trepidation. Especially for those diagnosed at advanced stages like you and me. But over the past few years there have been many new treatments, many new trials, and members have become far more aware of their bodies that allows for an easier journey. I too am late stage, as are the majority of us here. When diagnosed in 2017 I was given a prognosis of 3 years, give or take. Well, I've taken. While my cancer can not be cured, I am now in my 6th year of treatment and have learned how to live well even with this disease.
I wish you success with your treatment and look forward to hearing updates from you on your progress. And please use us for what help you need anytime. Just a reminder that you aren't alone.