Hi there -- I am 45yo, living in Toronto, and recently having some health issues (for the past 1.5 years I've been dealing with severe night sweats, irregular periods, spotting between periods, random nausea and vomiting as well as menstrual related vomiting (on 2nd day of my period for 6 months straight)). My doctor referred me to a GYN who diagnosed perimenopause (over the phone, due to covid) and prescribed HRT (started HRT in July 2021). Vomiting continued sporadically, night sweats continued and I started to have intense abdominal/pelvic pain in December 2021, which came and went). In late Feb 2022 I attended the ER at Trillium Hospital with intense lower abdominal/pelvic pain. The hospital did an ultrasound and discovered a 5cm cyst on my right ovary, and the cyst had a "nodule" along the periphery. I was referred to GYN (through the hospital) who ordered another ultrasound for 4 weeks later. The second ultrasound (mid March 2022) revealed a large cyst on my left ovary (not on my right as indicated a month earlier), slightly bigger than 5cm with thickened septations, however, the report stated that the size and appearance of the cyst was so similar to what had been described on the Feb ultrasound that they were unsure if it was the same cyst or not (given one said it was the left ovary and one said the right). I have now been referred for an MRI which will take place May 16th 2022. I have some form of pain or discomfort in my abdomen each day but was told at the ER in Feb to not return unless the pain was accompanied with fever and/or vomiting.
I'm consumed with worry. I can't shake the feeling that something is seriously wrong and that while I sit here and wait, cancer could be spreading through my body. Am I being crazy? I'm also very curious to know if anyone else has had similar issues with the cyst being described on different ovaries at different times?
While I love Canada and am a very proud Canadian, I am disappointed in our healthcare system. My mental health is suffering a great toll at the moment, with the fear or the unknown and what seems to be unfair delays. Does anyone have any advice/tips/tricks/suggestions to pass along to help deal with all of this? I'm considering going to the United States and paying for an MRI sooner, any thoughts? It has also been suggested to me to go back to the ER and exaggerate the pain until they do something. This doesn't feel "right" to me, but I've been told to put that feeling aside when advocating for your own healthcare here in Canada.
I feel really lost but very grateful to have found this site.