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  • 1.  Hello from Nova Scotia

    Posted 02-15-2022 23:36
    I am 62 years young. My name is Michelle. 
    Diagnosed in December 2021. Had three rounds of chemo
    CT scan tomorrow. I have no idea about the status or stage of my cancer yet.

  • 2.  RE: Hello from Nova Scotia

    Posted 02-20-2022 14:20
    Hello @6771  - Glad you found OV Dialogue. This site is a great place to connect with other ovarian cancer patients and survivors. Feel free to share, whether it's good news or you just need to vent - we've all had those days when we need to connect with someone who understands what we are going through.
    I was diagnosed at 61 with Stage 1C Clear Cell after a hysterectomy. I had six rounds of chemo in 2016. I passed the five year mark with no evidence of disease in November 2021.
    I hope you get good news from the CT scan. Please come back and let us know. Stay strong! <3

  • 3.  RE: Hello from Nova Scotia

    Posted 02-20-2022 17:14
    My scan showed a blood cut in my lung. Surgery was canceled and am on blood thinner for a month. My 4th chemo on March 3rd. I  have no idea as of yet the extent of my cancer.

  • 4.  RE: Hello from Nova Scotia

    Posted 02-21-2022 15:05
    Welcome to our community @6771.  Hopefully we can provide some support and encouragement as you navigate this journey.  So sorry to hear of the clot but those are quite common with OVC treatment.  Some get them early on, some later. I didn't get my first and hopefully last until I'd been in treatment five years.  Now on blood thinners and all seems good again.

    It does sound like you're a bit in the dark as to your diagnosis and I'm sure feeling anxious. How can we help?  There is a booklet that Ovarian Cancer Canada provides free called By Your Side.  It's a great guide from diagnosis through end of primary treatment and will answer a lot of questions plus help prepare you with questions for your cancer care team and your journey progresses.  You can order it online at https://ovariancanada.org/living-with-ovarian-cancer/support-resources in either hard or soft copy or both.  And the Ovarian Cancer Canada website https://ovariancanada.org is full of stories, videos, information on research and new developments in treatment.  Of course, we're all here for you 24/7.

    Do keep us posted and reach out anytime you have a question or need some encouragement....or just a virtual shoulder to cry on.  You will find the range of emotions enormous, but we're here for you every step of the way.


  • 5.  RE: Hello from Nova Scotia

    Posted 02-28-2022 16:41
    Hello @6771, welcome to the community from a fellow Nova Scotian! 

    I'm sorry for what brings you here, but glad that you found us.  I was diagnosed with clear cell ovarian cancer in March 2020, following a CT scan for a totally different condition.  I had a total hysterectomy which was then followed with 6 rounds of platinum chemotherapy, which I completed in October 2020.  I am thankful for no evidence of disease since that time.

    I know the waiting and not having all the information you want, can be very stressful.  Please feel free to reach out to the community and visit the OCC website for some valuable resources.  You can also reach out to me personally at any time.  I'd be more than happy to help, or chat, or just listen...

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