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  • 1.  High grade serious OC 1A

    Posted 10-21-2021 22:12
    Hi, My name is Sandra. I was diagnosed with HGS OC in May 2021., after a surgery done by my gynaecologist. I have had ovarian cyst for three years and I didn’t have any symptoms. I also had endometriosis, that caused extensive periods. I was 47 years old then. I didn’t let her remove uterus and right ovary, but I agreed with removal of affected ovary and both Fallopian tubes, since she said that ovarian cancers usually start in Fallopian tubes, and combination of endometriosis and the cyst is not good at my age. Could result in cancer. I agreed, so she removed Fallopian tubes and left ovary with the cyst. After the surgery she said everything looked ok, but pathologist report came HGS OC  2 mm in size in my left Fallopian tube. It hit me hard. I don’t have anyone in my family or friends circle with any cancer experience. In June I had another surgery done by oncologist surgeon, to remove remaining ovary and uterus with debulking. Pathologist report came negative. I started with chemo (6 rounds IV and IP plaxitaccel and IP carboplatin). I am finishing with round 4 these days.
    I read a lot of recurrence stories here. Are there any good stories with this type of OC? Oncologist told me I was lucky, but didn’t want to tell me what that meant. Anyone here with any experience with such early stage? I would appreciate it.

  • 2.  RE: High grade serious OC 1A

    Posted 10-22-2021 22:16
    @sandradi Welcome to our community but sorry it always takes a diagnosis of OVC to bring our ladies to us.  You'll find lots of information and support available here and on the Ovarian Cancer Canada website. I encourage you to explore both.  Start with ordering By Your Side, a very helpful guide for those in primary treatment. You can order it hard or soft copy or both at https://ovariancanada.org/Living-with-Ovarian-Cancer/Support-resources

    I also encourage you to register for the Fall Symposium November 5 & 6, all online and with a very full agenda to pick and choose from if you don't want to engage in every topic.  And you may also be interested in joining the Teal Tea for Young Survivors, a chance to connect with other survivors with common interests and issues. You can get information on and register for these at https://ovariancanada.org/Events/Find-Local-Events  There is an upcoming Teal Tea for Young Survivors like you on October 27.  But they usually run these monthly.   

    And finally feel free to join our regular Thursday online live chat at 1pm ET.  You need only sign in to OVdialogue and click on the Discussion topic TEAL THURSDAY....to enter the chat.  It's also a great way to connect real time.

    As for being lucky, you are indeed. So few of us are diagnosed earlier than advanced stages so your chances to live a a long and great life are exceptional.  No guarantees of course but the odds are very much in your favour. And yes. we have many many examples of women diagnosed with high grade serous OVC who have been in complete remission for many years, some even diagnosed at later stages. I'm sure, as they check in to the OVd and see your post they will reach out to share their stories.  

    I hope this helps.  Keep us posted on your needs.  We're here to support you.


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