Hey there @tappy46
No post is ever too long for us. This site is all about sharing whatever you're feeling, asking whatever questions you might have....in any way that you feel comfortable.
I take it you're new to our community so welcome. You're now in a place of over 900 women from across Canada; all who walk in your shoes every day since their own diagnoses. Some joined us early on and we've shared the ups and downs of their journey from almost day 1. Others have found us later on, like you...and me. No matter when, or where you are in your journey you are not alone.
As a new member, a few things to point you to that might be of help if you're not aware of them.
The first is to go back to basics if that might help. Ovarian Cancer Canada produce two guides. One called By Your Side for newly diagnosed. And the other Still By Your Side for those in recurrence. I came into OVdialogue a long time after primary treatment and already into my first recurrence, yet ordered both guides and found them really helpful in understanding my cancer and what was going on in my body. You can order those either soft or hard copy, or both like me by clicking on this link and filling out the order form:
https://ovariancanada.org/Living-with-Ovarian-Cancer/Support-resources And the Ovarian Cancer Canada website is a wealth of information beyond that; everything from women's stories to events going on, to videos on topics of interest, to updates on new treatments and clinical trials.
Our home page here will usually highlight upcoming events to register for. You can also access them on the Ovarian Cancer Canada website under Events/Local.
And I host a weekly live real-time chat board for our members on Thursdays at 1pm. Love to have you join us any time it's convenient for you. To participate you need only sign in to OVdialogue as you normally would, then click on the discussion topic Teal Thursdays.... (it's usually the first or second topic listed) and bingo, you're in and ready to type in hello. Or can choose not to participate and just either follow the discussion that day or review historical discussions any time.
I hope some of this is helpful to get you started. Now back to you, gal.....
How are you feeling right now? Something has prompted you to reach out. Tell us how we can help, even it's only to listen. You are now part of this community, a group of women who get it. A group who are so sorry you are part of this and would love nothing better for you not to have been diagnosed with this disease. But you have and we know so well the roller coaster it has been for you. So reach out today or any time you feel the need. We're here for you......