@PaulineJ. Welcome to our "elite" group and thank you for introducing yourself. I glad you are responding to the chemo. I didn't realize that the side effects could be minimized with good drugs and the first cycle was not pretty. I was also a swimmer, not a master thou, and hope that you are able to keep on swimming. Funny you mention chlorine allergy as I also developed side effects from swimming prior to my diagnosis. One positive about hair loss, no shaving before swims! I cut my hair short prior to it falling out and as soon as my hair started to fall out out I shaved my head. I I am 66 years old and have had some horrible hair disasters, so I considered this just one more. But I understand that this is a very different emotion for everyone. Of course all my hair came back just in time for summer!
This group has provide me with tremendous support and comfort. People I have never met understand what it is like to walk this path. It is learning to live between appointments and treatments. One of the most remarkable things following my diagnosis was I was able to appreciate the important things in life and let all the stupid little things go. I consider this a gift.
Consider joining us on teal thursday, for a live on line chat and there are also teal tuesday zoom.
Take care, gayle