HI @PattyB
Welcome to OVdialogue. I'm happy you found us and delighted with your interest in engaging in more support to our membership. Very sorry to hear about your diagnosis, as we always are to hear of one more with this disease. But it sounds like you are in wonderful hands and everything is under control for you. That's the great news about all the advancements we've had recently in treatments, and new clinical trials that are truly enabling us to live longer and better lives.
I'm not quite clear on what you mean about posting from the US sites. Is your intent to just point our membership to these other sites, or to import their discussions here? Or am I misunderstanding the question totally? I'm in the middle of recurrence treatment so the old brain cells aren't as quick off the mark as they usually are right now LOL. Please clarify for me and I can then give you an answer to your question.
As for setting up a support group for your area, that's extremely kind of you to even think about it. You are correct though. These local groups where survivors can connect in a safe place to share information and talk about feelings and fears and celebrate there success is invaluable. A few suggestions for you, having explored doing something similar out where I live in SE Ontario. I hope this might be helpful to your thought process, and if you decide to go ahead with something we can talk further, perhaps looping someone in from OCC for additional advice and guidance.
- My first thought of course is that we are in the middle (hopefully end) of a pandemic and so every support group I'm aware of cross-Canada has either been suspended indefinitely or are using Zoom or other virtual means to connect. But this does make it a good time to spend investigating the possibilities.
- Is there a community of survivors out in your area? Getting the information can be challenging, given privacy considerations A small group to start is fine. It will grow by word of mouth over time. But finding those few to start can be a challenge.
- I would suggest limiting your group to OVC patients or at the most gynecological cancer survivors. Creating a group that includes all types of cancers can be a real stretch for all given the issues and interests are so different, and only a few are gender specific.
- The Canadian Cancer Society, before Covid, was running three-day workshops for Peer Facilitated Training. I attended one two years ago. It was free, held in Ontario at the Hockley Valley resort and covered all aspects from how to facilitate sessions, to make up of groups, how to create awareness, how to gain sponsorships. And a great opportunity to network with others who had already established groups in their communities. There were about 35 in our cohort, mostly breast cancer survivors unfortunately for me as I'd hoped to network with some OVC survivors. But discussions about their experiences getting set up and operating was very valuable. I assume they are still doing this either virtually now or will pick up again when Covid is under control. You can try reaching out to them at peerfacilitators@cancer.ca to reach the team who were running it.
Just a few things to think about while we all wait to be able to return to some normalcy.....whatever that might mean. Do keep in touch and let me know how you progress in your thoughts. In the meantime, just sharing your own experiences with our members as they reach out for assistance or support or encouragement..or sometimes just someone to listen ...is extremely helpful and I invite you to do that whenever you feel you can offer some support. And reaching out for your own needs is important too. We're always here for what you might need.