I am so glad you did find us. Truly, you seem to have great support from your own family and network but truly, being one who's walking in your shoes, being able to connect with a community of women who "get it" is incredibly helpful and uplifting. We are almost 500 now, all with lots of experiences to share, a kind word when you need it, and just a listening "ear" on those days when you just need somewhere to vent. And, we are also great happy dancers for those times when you experience a breakthrough or some wonderful news. No one but us knows the joy of ringing that bell at the end of chemo, or hearing a CA score in the normal range, or seeing the words "unremarkable" on a scan report.
If you haven't already, do go to the OCC site
https://ovariancanada.org. You'll find an amazing amount of information on our disease, from videos to personal stories and resources. I do strongly believe that those who manage best through this journey are those most equipped with knowledge. And order, from that site, the booklet By Your Side. It's an excellent guide through initial diagnosis and treatment.
You may also want to sign up for our Speaker series...the next one this Wednesday at 7pm EST....4pm your time. I've posted an announcement on this site where you can get a bit of info on the offering and the link to register.
And finally, we hold a real time, live chat every Thursday. Usually a handful to about 15 of us just get together to gab, share information, get questions answered, and celebrate when the occasions arise. Love to have you join us. It runs from 1pm EST to 2pm EST and you can access the chat by signing in to OVdialogue and then just clicking on the Discussion topic TEAL THURSDAYS...... Of course, you can always continue to peruse the site and to open your own Discussion topics as you see fit.
So welcome. I am truly sorry for your diagnosis but we are are all here for you whenever you need us. Good luck with the rest of your chemo. You and I will both finish about the same time, although for me it's my third time around being my fifth year since diagnosis. If I can offer any solace though, we've never seen so much research effort and release of new treatments and drugs as we have in the past 3 or 4 years. The Zejula you'll be starting is one of many examples. So we are living longer and better lives now. It's still a scary disease, for sure...but now one with much hope attached.