I am so very sorry for the challenges you've faced with losing your husband, and now this. But you're not alone in this now that you've found our community. We are 600+ strong, across the country; all having walked in your shoes at different levels of significance; and all committed to sharing and caring for our teal sisters.
I am in Ontario, although in the South East end of the province. But I've heard excellent reports about the Juravinsky cancer center in Hamilton. You'll be in good hands there. But that said, beyond the cancer issue being in hospital during Covid can have added strain on you emotionally. Will there be anyone traveling with you....do you have family or friends there to help support you? If you're on your own do ask the centre for a referral to their Social Work department so there's someone there you can lean on for support. And, of course, when you're up to it...this group is here for you 24/7, along with our live chats on Thursdays at 1pm EST.
I also urge you, if you haven't already, to order the booklet By Your Side from Ovarian Cancer Canada. It is a very useful tool to answer many of your questions about our disease and guide you through your journey. You can request the guide in both hard copy and as a download to your computer.
https://ovariancanada.org/Living-with-Ovarian-Cancer/Support-resources And read through the OCC website. There is an enormous cache of information to support you there.
My final advice to you....it will never be acceptable to hear those words...you have ovarian cancer. We all pray that some day this disease will be eradicated. But I can say that never before have there been more advancements in treatment of our disease. So many of us have benefited greatly from traditional treatment, participation in clinical trials and the use newly approved treatments so that we are living longer and better lives. I too am a stage 3C survivor...frontline treatment (surgery and chemo), recurrence 16 months later treated with a clinical trial for two years, and now back in chemo which is working amazingly well. My journey, which I'd prayed to be at least 3 years, is now in its 5th and I'm still going strong.
Please keep us posted on your progress. Reach out any time you have questions, or just want to let off some steam or have a caring shoulder to cry on. You'll go through a vast number of emotions, all quite normal. But you got a great start with a great facility.....in the meantime our thoughts and prayers, along with huge virtual hugs, for a successful surgery and recovery are with you.