@Deedee Welcome to our community. I'm glad you found us and reached out and I am so sorry for all the anxiety you're experiencing.
I can tell you that we all have different stories to share but yours isn't unusual I'm afraid. Many of us experienced no symptoms that would have led us to believe a diagnosis of OVC was possible. And, as is history with this disease, our medical practitioners seem to look at OVC as something to investigate after all other options have been ruled out...often from their own lack of experience with the disease combined with symptoms that can usually be attributed to numerous different medical issues. It is good that you're now in the hands of a gynecological oncologist. He or she is who you should rely on for a definitive diagnosis and, if cancer, a comprehensive treatment plan.
I was not unlike you. A scan to assess a breathing problem in my case uncovered a mass on my right ovary the size of a very large grapefruit, and shadows that implied more cancer. It wasn't until surgery that they were able to properly assess the type and extent of the cancer, which turned out to be far less than anticipated thankfully. That said, high grade serous stage 3C. That was four years ago. If you want to understand my story a little better you can click on my picture and go to my profile.
What I can tell you is that never before have there been more advancements in treatment of this disease and as a result, for those who don't achieve complete remission, we are living longer and better lives. I've been advantaged with quality care from two cancer centers, PMH and KGH, and two years on a clinical trial that kept my cancer stable. I"m back in chemo now four years later but looking forward, once again, to achieving a stable state and enjoying the upcoming spring and summer once again. Of note, my cancer has not spread beyond my abdomen or into any organs.
If you haven't already, go to the OCC website. It holds a dearth of information on our disease, survivor stories, details on new developments and a wonderful series of videos. There, you can order a booklet By Your Side that you'll find very helpful navigating treatment...if it is OVC. Most importantly, rely on your oncology team and ensure ongoing two-way communication with them.
Finally, we're all here for you for whatever you might need...information, ideas, suggestions...just a shoulder to lean on. Keep us posted and do let us know how we can help as the need arises. Finally, you may want to join our live online chats every Thursday at 1pm EST. Just sign in to OVdialogue and click on the Discussion topic Teal Thursdays...... to participate.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.......