@Emmyannesmom I am so very sorry to hear of your diagnosis. But I am so glad you found our community here. You will find strength, support, information and lots of love from all of us.
Not sure if you found us through the Ovarian Cancer Canada website already familiar with it, but if not do use that site to learn more about this disease. And there is a booklet you can order hard copy or download called By Your Side that will be enormously helpful guiding you through your treatment. The OCC website can be accessed at
https://ovariancanada.org and the booklet can be ordered at
https://https://ovariancanada.org/living-with-ovarian-cancer/support-resourcesJen, your reaction is mirrored in the 600+ women on this site. I don't think I have yet to hear from anyone where the diagnosis didn't come as a complete shock. So every emotion you're going through is very normal. But I can tell you that never before have there been so many new programs and drugs and other treatments available to us all. The prospects to live a very long and good life are better than ever.
I am a four year survivor....high grade serous stage 3C back in early 2017. Terrified of the surgery....no pain and recovered in 6 weeks. Terrified of the chemo but it wasn't nearly what I had imagined. Recurrence in late 2018 and put on a clinical trial of oral medication that kept me under control for almost two years. It's run its' course now and headed back to chemo next week, but given what I know now versus what I knew back in 2017, it's just a nuisance and nothing I fear anymore. What have I learned? I'm far stronger than I ever thought. If you want to know more about me just click on my picture to see my profile.
Get the booklet. Arm yourself with the questions you need to ask next week. With knowledge comes power and strength. And keep us posted on new developments...let us know what you need. We're here for you.
If you scroll down through the Discussion topics you'll find one titled Young Survivors. You might want to connect with the gals on that string of discussion. And we have a live online chat on Thursdays at 1pm EST. Love to have you join us....we can have as few as 2 or 3 on line and often a dozen or more. It's a great place to get immediate response to questions or concerns. All you need do to join is to log in, and then click on the Discussion title Teal Thursdays...daytime online chat.
Good luck. Our thoughts are with you. And you're much stronger than you think.