@ncfarrell I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. We've all been where you are and know how terrible it all sounds. I was where you are back in 2017. I think "in shock" was the best description. But so glad you found our community here. You'll find everyone very helpful and supportive.
A few thoughts to start with that might help.
Your appointment at the Tom Baker Center will likely be with a gynecological oncologist who is an expert in our disease. I can remember my GP calling me to tell me my scan had shown a tumor the size of a large grapefruit and fluid around my lungs and then implied I should get my ducks in order. You can't imagine how relieved we were when we sat down with my oncologist and his first words were...I've seen your scans. I have Plan A and Plan B. Either way, I'm pretty confident I'll have you cancer free in the next six months. My cancer turned out to be high grade serous stage 3 C...and guess what...he kept his promise. If you want to know more about my own story, just click on my picture.
Now to help you prepare for that meeting and your journey, there is a booklet that Ovarian Cancer Canada provides in hard, and now, soft copy called By Your Side. It's enormously helpful in guiding you through the treatment phase. And spend some time perusing the Ovarian Canada Cancer website. There is a huge amount of information on our disease that you...and your family will find very helpful.
To order By Your Side go to:
https://ovariancanada.org/Living-with-Ovarian-Cancer/Support-resourcesTo search the Ovarian Cancer Canada website go to:
https://ovariancanada.org/The best I can say to you right now, is don't be afraid. We are so lucky that over the past few years there have been significant advancements in treatments and programs that we are living longer and better lives.
I'm also flagging @albertan, one of our newer members who I believe is in Calgary too. She is fairly newly diagnosed and may have also connected with some others out your way. As an FYI, if you ever want to flag a member or connect directly wtih them just type the @ sign and then with no space the first few letters of their screen name and the full name will pop up. For for me you'd input @Fearless or you can private message them. I'm also flagging @Bluebird. Although she's in Edmonton I believe she's very aware of the Alberta system and enormously helpful.
I hope this gives you some peace of mind over the weekend. Help is coming in the form of your appointment on Monday, and you're not walking this path alone...we're all here for you. Please let us know how your meeting goes and what we can do to support you...even if it's only to listen. And please think about joining our live chat on Thursdays - 1pm EST (11am your time). You need only sign in and click that Discussion title Teal Thursdays - Live online daytime chat. It's usually the first or second Discussion in the list. Love to have you join in.